SwissDevJobs Blog:

Einblicke ins Produktmanagement: Interview mit Tanja Lau picture

Einblicke ins Produktmanagement: Interview mit Tanja Lau

Author: Greg TomasikPosted on: December 12, 2024
Tanja Lau teilt ihre inspirierende Reise von der Literaturwissenschaft zur Gründerin der Product Academy. Im Interview spricht sie über die Bedeutung von lernenden Organisationen, die Herausforderungen im modernen Produktmanagement und wie sie berufliche Ambitionen mit Familie vereint....[Continue reading]
Do Software Engineers need and like taking courses - an insider view from Barbara Felix picture

Do Software Engineers need and like taking courses - an insider view from Barbara Felix

Posted on: October 22, 2024
Curious about how a career in gastronomy can lead to co-founding a tech training company? Barbara Felix shares her unique path and reveals the skills that are essential for Swiss software engineers today. Don’t miss her insights on hands-on learning and the booming world of tech training....[Continue reading]
From Engineering to IT Solutions - a journey through variety of roles and industries picture

From Engineering to IT Solutions - a journey through variety of roles and industries

Posted on: September 26, 2024
Slawomir Kleeb shares his fascinating journey from building models and competing in chemistry Olympics to working in finance, semiconductors, and IT. He reveals how a passion for problem-solving and constant learning led him through varied roles, from Quant Analyst to Solution Engineer, blending IT, analytics, and business skills along the way. Join us as we dive into his unique career path, core skills, and insights on the evolving analytics landscape....[Continue reading]
From Spain, through Ireland to Switzerland as a Software Engineer picture

From Spain, through Ireland to Switzerland as a Software Engineer

Posted on: September 24, 2024
In this interview, Software Engineer Manuel José Pulgar Anguita shares his journey from Spain to Ireland and ultimately to Switzerland, discussing the cultural, professional, and personal challenges he faced along the way. He reflects on the highs and lows of working abroad, navigating job markets, and how these experiences shaped his career and future aspirations....[Continue reading]
Why the software documentation will not write itself? picture

Why the software documentation will not write itself?

Author: Christian HeitzmannPosted on: September 10, 2024
Christian Heitzmann, owner of SimplexaCode AG, shares why quality documentation is crucial in software development. He dives into the evolution of documentation tools, the role of AI, and offers practical advice for companies looking to improve their documentation processes....[Continue reading]
Firmenstand auf Konferenzen effizient nutzen – Hierauf müssen Unternehmen achten picture

Firmenstand auf Konferenzen effizient nutzen – Hierauf müssen Unternehmen achten

Posted on: June 24, 2024
Auf Konferenzen haben Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, sich und die eigene Marke zu präsentieren und potenzielle neue Kunden zu gewinnen, wobei auch das Knüpfen von wertvollen Kontakten von grosser Bedeutung ist. Dementsprechend sollten Unternehmen darauf achten, dass ihr Firmenstand auf eine Art und Weise gestaltet ist, die Besucher der jeweiligen Konferenz anspricht, um die gesetzten Ziele zu erreichen....[Continue reading]
Greatest possibilities thrive near the Alps - 2023 Swiss IT Job Market Report picture

Greatest possibilities thrive near the Alps - 2023 Swiss IT Job Market Report

Posted on: November 8, 2023
The 2023 IT Job Market Report is a helpful source for people interested in the IT field. It gives information about things like salaries, working from home, artificial intelligence, how companies hire, and what's coming up in the DACH tech world....[Continue reading]
SwissDevJobs: 2022 Year in Review picture

SwissDevJobs: 2022 Year in Review

Posted on: December 30, 2022
Year 2022 has been a wild ride, maybe not as crazy as 2020, but still full of swings in the job market. Time for a quick summary....[Continue reading]
Top 14 des sites d'emploi pour les ingénieurs logiciels en Suisse picture

Top 14 des sites d'emploi pour les ingénieurs logiciels en Suisse

Posted on: December 8, 2022
Vous voulez savoir où chercher des développeurs de logiciels ? Dans cet article, nous passons en revue les meilleurs sites web qui peuvent vous aider à trouver les meilleurs talents pour votre entreprise. Les sites d'emploi sont le premier choix et le point de départ. Voici la liste des meilleurs sites d'offres d'emploi technologiques en Suisse !...[Continue reading]
Top 14 Jobbörsen für Softwareentwickler in der Schweiz picture

Top 14 Jobbörsen für Softwareentwickler in der Schweiz

Posted on: December 8, 2022
Wollen Sie wissen, wo Sie nach Softwareentwicklern suchen können? In diesem Artikel prüfen wir die besten Websites, die Ihnen bei der Suche nach Top-Talenten für Ihr Unternehmen helfen können. Jobbörsen sind die erste Wahl und der Ausgangspunkt. Hier ist die Liste der besten Tech-Jobbörsen der Schweiz!...[Continue reading]
Top 14 job boards for hiring Software Engineers in Switzerland picture

Top 14 job boards for hiring Software Engineers in Switzerland

Posted on: July 8, 2022
What are the best places to search for software engineers? In this article, we will try to answer this question and discuss the best websites you can use when looking for top talents. Job boards are the most obvious choice, and the place to start. We put together the list of the best tech job boards to choose from to help you out with the decision....[Continue reading]
How to find a job as a Software Developer in Switzerland? picture

How to find a job as a Software Developer in Switzerland?

Switzerland is one of the best countries to work in as a Software Engineer. In terms of salary, you can easily earn above 100,000 CHF (note: 1 CHF ~ 1 USD), add to that the European work-life balance and beautiful nature - lakes and mountains. Because of that, and the fact that Switzerland is a rather small country with a population of just below 8.5 million, finding a job here isn’t particularly easy...[Continue reading]
Announcing SwissDev Companies - An honest look into Swiss IT departments picture

Announcing SwissDev Companies - An honest look into Swiss IT departments

In our mission to bring more transparency in the Swiss IT market, we would like to give you insight into how the Software Development is done at Swiss companies. We will interview all kind of companies, from startups, through web agencies, to big banks and corporations - and this time you can ask the questions...[Continue reading]
Introduction to our new SwissDev Company Portal - manage your IT job postings with ease! picture

Introduction to our new SwissDev Company Portal - manage your IT job postings with ease!

You would like to post a job offer on but you don't know how? Let us guide you through our new feature for companies and recruiters - the SwissDev Company Portal. Register now and manage all of your offers in a simple way!...[Continue reading]
8 Reasons why Switzerland is better than Silicon Valley for Developers picture

8 Reasons why Switzerland is better than Silicon Valley for Developers

Silicon Valley is dead for Software Developers. You can hear it from more and more people, either those who are living or considering living there. Why is that?...[Continue reading]
How we improved website performance by 24% with 3 unusual changes picture

How we improved website performance by 24% with 3 unusual changes

Last weekend we had a chance to fine-tune the performance of a website that we started over a year ago. We started digging into the more unusual ways in which we can make it faster and... we have been quite successful! Here is report from this week...[Continue reading]
How companies could improve their technical recruitment process picture

How companies could improve their technical recruitment process

7 thoughts from a Software Engineer perspective about the recruitment process in IT. We are sharing the tips how your company could hire more developers by improving its interview processes.k...[Continue reading]
[DE] Wie findet man als Softwareentwickler Arbeit in der Schweiz? picture

[DE] Wie findet man als Softwareentwickler Arbeit in der Schweiz?

Softwareentwickler verdienen in der Schweiz über 100'000 CHF. In dieser Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine Stelle finden, worauf es bei der Bewerbung ankommt und welche Formalitäten bei Ihrem Umzug in die Schweiz zu beachten sind...[Continue reading]
[DE] Wie findet man eine Stelle als UX UI Designer? picture

[DE] Wie findet man eine Stelle als UX UI Designer?

Erfahren Sie wie am besten eine Stelle als UX UI Designer suchen und finden. Mit diesen 5 Tipps erhöhen Sie bei der Arbeitsuche Ihre Chancen wesentlich....[Continue reading]