Find the best Tech Talents on SwissDevJobs, the leading IT job platform in Switzerland

You can expect on average 32 qualified candidates for your job ad. Because of the transparency and candidate first-approach, we score over 80'000 unique visitors per month. Publish your job today!

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Over 1600 companies have already trusted us and posted their job openings, including:


What is included in the single job ad


CHF 390.-

per job ad
Most popular


CHF 590.-

per job ad


CHF 1090.-

per job ad
Duration of publication
30 daysUnlimited
Refresh to the top
Job locations
1Up to 5
Individual Customer Support
Included in the job newsletter
Extra publication in our mobile app
Social Media Promotion
Ad Review & Optimization
Custom design options
If you have any questions or multiple job offers, you can reach us via live chat, by email at [email protected] or by phone at +41 77 444 07 34
How do I publish a job ad?
  1. Create an account: Register a company account on the Contact Page.
  2. Enter details: Provide your company information, upload your logo, and submit your job ad. Choose a pricing option.
  3. Review: Our editorial team will review your ad within 24 hours and may suggest improvements if necessary.
  4. Publication: After approval, your job ad will be placed at the top of the job portal. An invoice will be sent to you.
  5. Promotion: Depending on the product category, your job ad will be promoted in our job newsletter and on our social media channels.
  6. Refresh: With the Business or Premium options, you can refresh your job ad every 30 days to bring it back to the top.
How long does it take to publish a job ad?
We typically review and publish your job ad within 24 hours.
Why do I need to provide a salary range?

Providing a clear salary range has been proven to increase the number of applications and save time and money.

Salary transparency is inevitable, and delaying it will harm hesitant employer brands in the medium and long term. In the EU and the USA, companies that adopt salary transparency enhance their reputation. This measure offers numerous benefits both internally and externally.

Therefore, the team at SwissDevJobs is committed to making IT recruitment in Switzerland even more efficient and effective.

Over 1600 companies trust our transparent approach of including a specific salary range in job ads and benefit from the access to our skilled tech audience.

How do I receive candidate applications?

You will receive applications automatically and can choose whether applications are sent to a specific email address or whether candidates are redirected to your own application form after clicking ''Apply''.

Since SwissDevJobs is not a recruitment agency, we do not actively participate in the recruitment process.

Can I edit the job ad after publication?
Yes, within the first 30 days, you can make minor adjustments or changes yourself. It is not permitted to change the published job ad into a new job position.
Are there statistics available after publication?
Yes, in your account area, you have access to up-to-date statistics on your job ads at any time. This includes the number of views and all applications.
How can I reset my password?
You can reset your password here.
Are there any additional fees after hiring candidates?
No, there are no additional fees. You only pay for the publication of the job ads.
What payment options are available?
You will receive an invoice after the job ad publication. It should be paid via bank transfer within 14 days. Card payment is also available if needed.
Do I receive support during the job publication process?
Yes, our team is happy to assist you in creating your job ad. With the Business option, we offer optimization suggestions based on our exclusive data and years of experience. With the Premium option, we handle the entire publication process for you, including text optimization and design consultation. Simply send your job ad to [email protected] and indicate that you want the Premium option.
How much does it cost to publish job ads?
You can find our complete offer on the Pricing page
Do you also offer discounts?
Yes, we offer tailored solutions for early-stage startups and NGOs/NPOs. Starting from 3 job ads, you can benefit from the advantages of a flat-rate annual subscription. Send us an email to [email protected] for more details.
How can I better showcase my employer brand with SwissDevJobs?

If you want to showcase your employer brand more prominently in the Swiss tech community, a Transparent Company Profile on a central job board like SwissDevJobs is the optimal choice.

This service includes presenting your employer brand, displaying images, videos, and answering the 12 most frequent questions that candidates ask before applying. It is a great way to centrally convince undecided candidates.

Send us an email at [email protected] to receive more information.

What is the job newsletter?
The job newsletter is a weekly newsletter with the newest jobs send out every week to over 12'000 subscribers. Your job ad will be automatically included in it after the publication.
What is a Job Refresh, and how often can it be done?
With the Business and Premium options, the refresh is available multiple times. Every 30 days, you can click the blue ''Refresh'' button next to your published job ad. This will move your job ad back to the top of the list and include it in the weekly Job Newsletter. With the Basic option, the refresh is done automatically once after 15 days.
Who recommends SwissDevJobs?
Stefanie Aebi recommendation
"Tolles Tool mit guter Übersicht nach Technologien und Regionen. Easy zu bedienen und auch für Kandidaten (a) spannend, da man den Lohn transparent kommuniziert. Besonders hervorzuheben finde ich die Kommunikation mit Johan, der fragt nach ob alles passt und ob man geeignete Talente fand. Man fühlt sich als Kunde gut aufgehoben!"
Stefanie Aebi - Inhaberin, aebi connect
Thomas Weber Rivero recommendation
"The platform works very well, the profiles via SwissDevJobs channel are in general much more relevant as incoming profiles through other channels, as well the e-mail process is very easy to manage."
Thomas Weber - Co-Founder, Rivero AG
Eva-Verena Felsberg recommendation
"SwissDevJobs is a valuable, trusted and popular recruitment platform that is designed to help employers in the IT sector address and find candidates.We could not imagine hiring new employees without this job platform and are also very satisfied with the support we have received from the SwissDevJobs team."
Eva-Verena Felsberg - Lead Talent Acquisition Manager, Ergon Informatik AG
Anne-Emmanuelle Blum recommendation
"SwissDevJobs is a top-notch platform that caters specifically to the needs of developers and IT professionals in Switzerland. SwissDevJobs is one of our best platform for german speaking part of Switzerland. It is also a pleasure to work directly with the founders."
Anne-Emmanuelle Blum - Head Talent Acquisition, Softcom Technologies SA
Lucien Schaffhauser Recommendation
"Not only is the platform great when looking to recruit developers, but the customer service is fast and effective. We've picked up our Dev hiring in the past few months after the shift to remote, and the people from SwissDev Jobs definitely make up a large portion of recent hires. "
Lucien Schaffhauser - Talent Acquisition Manager, Frontify AG
Flurin Conradin Liris Tech recommendation
"Wir konnten über Swiss Dev Jobs gerade jemanden finden und haben auch weitere spannende Kandidaten über die Seite kennengelernt. Wir fanden swissdevjobs mit Abstand die beste Adresse um Entwickler zu finden."
Flurion Conradin - Software Engineer, Liris Tech SA
Beatrice Wieland from Ant Informatik recommendation
"We are very happy with the candidates. We could just fix one contract with a senior developer and with some very good fits we are still in interviews. So everything is fine 😊"
Beatrice Wieland - Geschäftsführerin Schweiz, Ant-Informatik
Pascal Herzog from ViCAFE recommendation
"We received fantastic support from SwissDevJobs. The company profile as well as the role description ensured that we received only relevant applications and have been able to hire the right person.. Finally, the platform gave us full control over the recruiting process."
Pascal Herzog - Management Team, ViCAFE
Alexandra Junker Antaes Consulting Recommendation
"We are big fans of this job board!! It can be tricky to find good developers, but thanks to this job board we get amazing profiles of developers on a regular basis. I wish there were more job boards like this one but with other industries. Keep on the good work!!"
Alexandra Junker - Talent Acquisition Specialist, Antaes Consulting
Sarah Haeuptli Smartfactory recommendation
"Good developers are difficult to find. We always advertise our vacancies here and were able to reach the people we needed. That's why we really appreciate SwissDev Jobs. We've also hired people in the past who applied through SwissDev Jobs and our experience is consistently positive. Thank you for the great support!"
Sarah Häuptli - Office Manager, Smartfactory GmbH
Dersim Avdar DFS recommendation
"SwissDev Job’s approach is tailored for software developers and thus makes it possible to find talents in a much more targeted way than generalist websites. The platform is user-friendly and the team is responsive. We recommend it!"
Dersim Avdar - CEO, DFS Digital Footwear Solutions
Max Wirz Fairwalter recommendation
"I really like the functionality of Swiss Dev Jobs. its easy to set up job-adds and we do receive applications"
Dr. Max Wirz - Geschäftsführer, Fairwalter AG
Luca Camerini Welld recommendation
"Nowadays, developers are a privileged professional category. For a software house like ours it becomes crucial to target the best people.SwissDevJobs helps us a lot in this regard: not only it's been watched by good fit candidates, but allows us to present our company from different perspectives."
Luca Camerini - CEO, WellD Sagl
Christina Höfner recommendation
"very friendly customer service, user-friendly platform, easy to create and update jobs, and well integrated with ATS, we hired a great candidate recently!"
Christina Höfner - Recruiting & People Development, NETCONOMY
Bernhard Müller adARTIS recommendation
"Very good platform from which we received a lot of valuable candidates."
Bernhard Müller - CEO & Owner,
What is the advantage of the unlimited duration of my job ad?
Some of our pricing options offer unlimited duration. Your job ad remains online until you find a qualified candidate and deactivate it. This ensures that the position can be filled successfully.
There are certain fair-use policy rules:
  • One job ad per position; title changes are only allowed for correcting typos
  • Job description can only be changed in the first month
  • Only possible for active recruitment (no permanent positions or publications for spontaneous applications), the job ad cannot be paused
  • Automatic deactivation after 12 months, unless otherwise discussed with your Account Manager