IT & Software Developer jobs in Bern

You can find Software Developer salaries in Bern here.

How many Software Developer jobs are in Bern?

Currently, there are 24 all openings.

Is Bern a good city for Software Developers?

Bern is one of the main tech hubs in Switzerland, so if you look for Tech roles, this is the place to be.

Which companies are hiring for Software Developer jobs in Bern?

Multimedia Networks AG, Happy Nurse AG, Selectron Systems AG, approppo GmbH, United Security Providers AG, ERNI Schweiz AG, Fincons Group AG among others, are currently hiring for Software roles in Bern.

The company with most openings is Innovation Process Technology AG as they are hiring for 5 different Software Developer jobs in Bern. They are probably quite committed to find good Software Developers.