C & C++ jobs in Zurich
Job title | Company |
Senior (Quantitative) Software Engineer | Signal |
Senior Software Engineer C++ | Cudos AG |
C/C++ Trading Engineer | Rockstar Recruiting AG |
Electrical Engineer - Product Development / Robotics | ANYbotics AG |
Embedded Softwareingenieure Linux (m/w) - Schwerzenbach | IMT AG |
System Engineer Elektronik 80-100% | Glutz AG |
Software Developer C#/C++ | Kaleidodoc |
Software Architekt und Fullstack Engineer | Cudos AG |
Senior Software Engineer im industriellen Umfeld | Cudos AG |
Junior Software Engineer im Cross-Company-Programm | Cudos AG |
You can find C / C++ Developer salaries in Zurich here.
How many C / C++ Developer jobs are in Zurich?
Currently, there are 10 C++ openings.
Is Zurich a good city for C / C++ Developers?
Zurich is one of the main tech hubs in Switzerland, so if you look for C / C++ roles, this is the place to be.
Which companies are hiring for C / C++ Developer jobs in Zurich?
Signal, Cudos AG, Rockstar Recruiting AG, ANYbotics AG, IMT AG, Glutz AG, Kaleidodoc among others, are currently hiring for C / C++ roles in Zurich.
The company with most openings is Cudos AG as they are hiring for 4 different C / C++ Developer jobs in Zurich. They are probably quite committed to find good C / C++ Developers.
The company with most openings is Cudos AG as they are hiring for 4 different C / C++ Developer jobs in Zurich. They are probably quite committed to find good C / C++ Developers.