IT & Softwareentwickler Stellen in der Schweiz

VR Developer - Education
60’000 - 90’000 CHF
Pixelmolkerei AG
Planaterrastrasse 16, Chur
60’000 - 90’000 CHF
Be part of a team who will build up a Virtual Reality Training Center for Healthcare.
What we need you to be:
Proficient in the various features of Unity (asset integration, lighting, animation system, rendering, optimization / profiler usage, cross platform development…)
Build and maintain core engine components, pipelines and tools on multiple hardware platforms.
Strong in writing clear, maintainable C# code
Debugging and testing skills to deliver stable releases
Ability to recognize the interaction of various factors, to analyze them and to derive ideas for action from them
Gut zu haben:
Experience with VR/AR/MR development Manual skills Maya knowledge Additional programming/scripting languages (Python, MEL, PHP, C++…) UI / UX / game design knowledge Shader writing MySQL / database know how GitVerantwortlichkeiten
Games are great - building up a VR Training Center for nurses and other caregivers is even better.
Able to deliver great results while meeting deadlines set by our clients
Proactive and show initiative when a challenge arises
Show great attention to detail
Pragmatic, solution- and team-oriented
Strong communication skills
Want to work in a steady growing company
About Us
We are Pixelmolkerei AG, a virtual reality professional education training developer and producer. The company was established in 2002. During 2019 and 2023 ICL Imperial College London conducted 4 different studies using our software. The results of the first 3 studies confirmed the success of our VR training method. Real-world skills improved from 11% prior to 84% correct in post-training. Our headquarter is located in Chur (Switzerland), our subsidiary named Pixel Dairy Production Inc. is located in Montréal (Canada).
Job Summary
We are looking for a candidate with a minimum of 3 years’ experience in creating and shipping Unity VR applications across multiple platforms.
Job description
You will build and maintain core engine components, pipelines and tools to create interactive experiences for multiple platforms. If your skills are great and your team spirit is strong, you can become a member of our core team.
40% hybrid and 80% parttime on request possible.
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Das Unternehmen mit den meisten offenen Stellen ist Rockstar Recruiting AG das fĂĽr 27 verschiedene GameDev Entwickler Stellenangebote in der Schweiz einstellt. Sie sind wahrscheinlich sehr bemĂĽht, gute GameDev Entwickler zu finden.