IT & Softwareentwickler Stellen in der Schweiz

HolidayCheck jobs

Software Engineer - Travel Office (m/f/d)

80’000 - 90’000 CHF
Bahnweg 8, Bottighofen
80’000 - 90’000 CHF
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Visa Sponsoring


You are fluent in JavaScript or TypeScript and know how to build React applications You know how to build services You know the basics of a source control like GitHub and you value code reviews You are passionate about solving problem with technology You want to learn and improve everyday German is a plus


The possibility to join our Travel Office Team, with talents from all over the world. The team’s scope is to make the life of customers easier by automating processes and creating self-service functionalities We work mainly with React / JavaScript / TypeScript in Frontend and with Scala / PHP in backend, you will get the opportunity to work with those technologies To contribute with your ideas on applications that are used by millions of users A senior engineer who will mentor and guide you



At HolidayCheck, we pursue our purpose of making vacations better together. We not only enable our Urlaubers to have the best time of the year, but also create a unique working atmosphere for our HolidayCheckers in our office in the beautiful Berg am Laim in Munich or in Bottighofen directly on Lake Constance! To take this to the next level, we are looking for YOU! We live our corporate values every day, are #TeamHolidayCheck, create trust, take responsibility, make well-founded decisions, love what we do and move HolidayCheck forward.  For more than 20 years HolidayCheck has been one of the leading eCommerce companies within tourism. Our vision is to make vacations better. We leverage technology competing in a particularly challenging environment. With over 600 (micro) services running on cloud infrastructure, we serve millions of offers of billions of combinations every day to customers looking for their dream vacation.  We excel with modern software, creative ideas and agile teams. Teams are empowered to foster their contribution to the bigger goal by choosing the right technology for the right problem. We value code reviews, pair-programming, self-organization and flexibility. For us, collaborating with others is as important as taking decisions as a team is.  A job opportunity to improve on modern technologies and innovative software developmentThe possibility to join our Travel Office Team, with talents from all over the world. The team’s scope is to make the life of customers easier by automating processes and creating self-service functionalitiesWe work mainly with React / JavaScript / TypeScript in Frontend and with Scala / PHP in backend, you will get the opportunity to work with those technologiesTo contribute with your ideas on applications that are used by millions of usersA senior engineer who will mentor and guide you


job benefits icon40-Stunden Arbeitswoche
job benefits iconUnfallversicherung
job benefits iconKinderbetreuung
job benefits iconCooles BĂĽro
job benefits iconRabatte fĂĽr Firmenprodukte oder andere Produkte
job benefits iconIndividuelles Bildungsbudget
job benefits iconInternationales Team
job benefits iconMutterschafts- / Vaterschaftsurlaub
job benefits iconUmzugsunterstĂĽtzung
job benefits iconSabbatical Möglichkeit
job benefits iconTeamevents
job benefits iconKarriereweg und JahresrĂĽckblick
job benefits iconHardware-Wahl
job benefits iconFirmenparkplatz
job benefits iconWorkshops und Wissensaustausch
job benefits iconFlexible Arbeitszeit
job benefits iconTeilzeit möglich
job benefits iconStehschreibtisch
job benefits iconBier
job benefits iconKaffee, Tee
job benefits iconFrische FrĂĽchte
job benefits iconSnacks & Getränke
job benefits iconChillout-Raum
job benefits iconTischtennis
job benefits iconTischfussball
job benefits iconHome Office / Remote 3 Tage pro Woche
job benefits iconHybride Arbeit
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Hier finden Sie Gehaltsstatistiken für JavaScript Entwickler Gehälter in der Schweiz.

Wie viele JavaScript Entwickler Stellen sind offen in der Schweiz?

Derzeit gibt es 252 JavaScript Jobs. Siehe auch: React jobs, Angular jobs, Vue jobs, TypeScript jobs, NodeJS jobs - alle mit Gehaltsspannen..

Ist die Schweiz ein guter Ort fĂĽr JavaScript Entwickler?

Die Schweiz ist eines der besten Länder, um als JavaScript Ingenieur zu arbeiten. Es gibt eine lebendige Startup-Community, wachsende Technologiezentren und, was am wichtigsten ist: viele interessante Jobs für Leute, die im Technologiebereich arbeiten.

Welche Unternehmen stellen Mitarbeiter fĂĽr JavaScript Entwickler Stellenangebote in der Schweiz ein?

Vertec AG, Leica Geosystems part of Hexagon, Signal, ERNI Schweiz AG, Rivero AG, Multimedia Networks AG, Idea Creation GmbH und andere stellen derzeit fĂĽr JavaScript Positionen in der Schweiz ein.

Das Unternehmen mit den meisten offenen Stellen ist Innovation Process Technology AG das fĂĽr 21 verschiedene JavaScript Entwickler Stellenangebote in der Schweiz einstellt. Sie sind wahrscheinlich sehr bemĂĽht, gute JavaScript Entwickler zu finden.