Ergon Informatik AG jobs
Ergon Informatik AG
Merkurstrasse 43, Zürich
Ergon Informatik AG jobs
Eva-Verena Felsberg
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How would you explain Ergon to your friend in 3 sentences?

At Ergon, we combine our technological, security and business experience to design «smart» solutions from complex requirements. Anticipating tech trends, our highly qualified experts develop and deploy user-friendly, custom software, as well as proven, off-the-shelf products for many industries worldwide. Ergon was founded in 1984 and now employs just over 400 members of staff.

Ergon Informatik AG - current job openings and Transparent Company Profile

Ergon Informatik AG jobs
Ergon Informatik AG jobs
Ergon Informatik AG jobs
Ergon Informatik AG jobs

🛠️ Tech stack & Development process at Ergon

Technologies that we use

UX UI DesignAirlockAngularDevOpsDockerIAMJavaSecurityTypeScriptWebKotlinReactAPIBackendBitBucketCI/CDCQRSCSSData-ScienceDevSecOpsFrontendFullstackGitGradleHibernateIntelliJJPAJVMXcodeWAFVS CodeTerraformTomcatSwiftSpring BootSCSSRxJsReduxRESTPostgreSQLOracleMobileKubernetesJenkinsJava EEAWSAndroidAnsibleAzureCloudELKGCPGitOpsIaaSIonicKafkaMachine LearningNPMOWASPSQLServerlessJFrogElasticSearchGrafana

Can I choose the hardware? What is your coding setup (IDE, OS, Build server, Cloud provider)?

You can freely choose your OS: Mac, Linux or Windows. We also provide several high-end models to choose from for each OS. Input devices can be freely chosen. Most people use JetBrains IDEs (such as Intellij), VScode and Xcode depending on the technologies involved. Of course, the choice tends to be uniform in a project team, but technically it is free. Some use vi ;-). We often use containers to run things locally – for CI, testing and production. We use the cloud provider that best fits the project. We also provide various DevOps services for code hosting, code reviews, CI, and more.

Our software development process

How can I grow as a developer at your company (career paths and learning opportunities)?

By using your education budget, you have the free choice of how to grow as a developer. Do you prefer reading a book, attending a presentation or even taking classes? The choice is yours! Additionally, our numerous internal activities offer you the chance to network and expand your knowledge by communicating with senior employees.

Do you prefer always writing your own software for everything or use frameworks if they fit?

Both. We use lots of frameworks and libraries if they are appropriate (mostly open source ones), but we also enhance or complement these with our own stuff. However, we tend to avoid company-wide libraries, but rather write specific libraries for the project.

👩‍💻 Company culture

What are your key values and what are some daily work examples of them?

Our culture and values are the soul of our organisation; they make us who we are. We are convinced that Ergon’s culture and community are key drivers in our company and impact positively on wider society.

We are united by a desire to work with like-minded people. We believe not just in doing the right thing, but in doing the right thing right. We foster an environment in which everyone can realise their full potential.

Our organisation cultivates highly committed and entrepreneurial experts. We believe that there is a direct correlation between satisfied employees and satisfied clients. Ultimately, wowing our clients is at the heart of everything we do. 


We are:

  • Always one step ahead: We are constantly looking to challenge and better ourselves. We are keen to experiment – as well as to explore trends, processes and emerging technologies – on behalf of our clients and partners. 
  • Transparent: We encourage a transparent approach, both in organisational and personal matters. We share our knowledge and views in an unbiased and respectful way. 
  • Involved: We share successes. We help shape the future of Ergon and play an active role in decision-making.

How diverse are your teams? What is the typical team size and structure?

The typical project team is 3-12 people, but we have different project sizes. If a project team is too big we split it into sub-teams, but it’s the choice of the team (and project lead) when and how this will happen. An organisational team usually has multiple projects and thus project teams. Whereas project team sizes change according to the project stage they are in, the organisational team is more stable. A person can be involved in multiple projects, but they are usually involved where most of the focus is at during a period.

Do you offer any helpful initiatives for parents with young children?

Our flexible working hours and our remote work policy offer you a lot of freedom. Adapt your working hours as you wish. A lot is possible, as long as your team and your customers agree.

What is your remote work policy?

Homeworking gives Ergonians a high level of flexibility, but they’re also happy to come to our offices at three sites around Stadelhofen. You are able to work up to 60% remotely.

If you do Agile - how is your agile process & release cycle? How much coding vs meetings/planning?

We do agile and each project team will use the process of their choice and make it fit for them. Of course, this needs to be adapted with the customer. We tend to code/design/architect a lot but also do lots of requirements engineering, consulting and more. The meeting density will be different depending on your role, the project phase, the chosen process, and many other factors.

Do you have some in-house tech workshops or hackathons? Is there an educational budget?

You can expand and deepen your knowledge with your own flexible continuing education budget, which you can spend on conferences, reading, coaching or courses.

Ergon offers a wide range of in-house presentations, workshops and hackathons. 

Can I work on my projects or open source for a part of time?

This can be done within the educational budget, projects of the communities of practice or individual initiatives that you can apply for.

Cool officeWell connected officeCoffee, tea40-hour work weekAccident insuranceAnnual Bonus payAnnual company retreatBeerChoose your hardwareCompany carCompany parkingCompany workshops and knowledge sharingDiscounts for company or external productsEquity or company stockFlexible work timeFresh fruitsIndividual educational training budgetMaternity/Paternity leaveOption to buy more vacation daysPart-time possiblePet friendly officePrivate healthcare insuranceSabbatical possibilitySnacks & drinksStanding deskTable footballTeam social events

📖 The Book Question™

What do I need to do to buy a 50$ educational book on company expense?

You buy it and the company pays your expenses. 


💼 How does the interview process at Ergon look like?

  1. You send in your application
  2. We meet, either remotely or in person
  3. Technical interview or assessment
  4. You get the chance to meet the team
  5. Decision

Got any questions?

Ergon Informatik AG jobs
Eva-Verena Felsberg