jacando AG jobs
jacando AG
Münchensteinerstrasse 41, Basel
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How would you explain jacando AG to your friend in 3 sentences?

  1. We are not a family. We are more like close friends who support each other in personal development with a common goal, which is to digitize HR processes and have fun while doing it.
  2. Things go fast here. We don't wait around to see what happens - we make it happen.
  3. We care a lot about food. Pasta, sweets and coffee are always to be found in the kitchen.

jacando AG - current job openings and Transparent Company Profile

jacando AG jobs
jacando AG jobs
jacando AG jobs

🛠️ Tech stack & Development process at jacando AG

Technologies that we use


Can I choose the hardware? What is your coding setup (IDE, OS, Build server, Cloud provider)?

Since we are all using Apple Products, you cannot choose the hardware by yourself. GitHub for code management and CI/CD and Google Cloud Platform as infrastructure.

Our software development process

How can I grow as a developer at your company (career paths and learning opportunities)?

You get half-yearly goals in order to boost your growth to the max! You get to set your goals yourself, and we support you in every way we can. With our growth as a company, there's always opportunities to step up and take on more responsibility. And let's not forget: you're always learning on the job.

Do you prefer always writing your own software for everything or use frameworks if they fit?

We generally prefer solutions without a framework. But we use libraries when it makes sense. However, we have NextJS in use!

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👩‍💻 Company culture

What are your key values and what are some daily work examples of them?

In a nutshell? Clear is better than clever. We try to solve things as simply and as robustly as possible.

How diverse are your teams? What is the typical team size and structure?

We're from basically all around the world. Nationalities, gender or looks do not matter - what's important is that we all communicate in English. Our teams are typically small, from around 2-10 people, depending on the area. We do have team managers leading each time, and Senior talents helping out :)

Do you offer any helpful initiatives for parents with young children?

We do support work-life balance to the fullest. You can literally work from wherever you want - at your own schedule. It happens also that coworkers are taking their children to work, which is always a blast.

What is your remote work policy?

100% Full Remote or 80% Remote and 20% Office - depends on where you live.

If you do Agile - how is your agile process & release cycle? How much coding vs meetings/planning?

We are running a regular Scrum setup with a two-week sprint.

Do you have some in-house tech workshops or hackathons? Is there an educational budget?

Work in progress!

Can I work on my projects or open source for a part of time?

Since we're a small company in a growth phase, we need all our resources and cannot offer developers to work on their own projects for a part of time.

40-hour work week6 weeks vacationAccident insuranceAnnual Bonus payAnnual company retreatBeerCareer paths and annual reviewsCoaching & mentoringCoffee, teaCompany parkingCompany workshops and knowledge sharingCool officeDiscounts for company or external productsFlexible work timeFree lunchFresh fruitsHybrid workInternational teamMaternity/Paternity leavePart-time possiblePet friendly officePing-pong tableWell connected officeTeam social eventsTable footballStartup cultureSnacks & drinksRelocation supportQuiet officeFully home office / remote work

📖 The Book Question™

What do I need to do to buy a 50$ educational book on company expense?

Ask nicely!

💼 How does the interview process at jacando AG look like?

We always start with a talk with our recruiter and the tech team lead. Then a small assignment follows, and we finish by meeting each other in real life! Our trial day is always a perfect opportunity for you to meet the team, talk about our tech stack and really get to know each other a bit better.

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