How would you explain HOGALOG to your friend in 3 sentences?
Our focus is on the digitalization of processes within the supply chain. We develop and operate one of the largest digital B2B platforms in Switzerland - HOGASHOP.
So if you are interested in digital platforms, web development or digitalization in general, we might be interesting for you.
Technologies that we use
Can I choose the hardware? What is your coding setup (IDE, OS, Build server, Cloud provider)?
You can choose between Apple and HP.
We work with Asana and our own tool for the backlog.
Our software development process
How can I grow as a developer at your company (career paths and learning opportunities)?
As a software development project manager, product manager or otherwise, you can take ownership over areas of our platform. You can also further develop products or even create new ones. In an SME of our size, you automatically take on great responsibility. Every person counts!
Do you prefer always writing your own software for everything or use frameworks if they fit?
We work with frameworks respectively have built our own frameworks for some applications.
What are your key values and what are some daily work examples of them?
The following qualities tend to be important to us:
We have a team with employees who could work in any company, anywhere they probably could choose from. We cultivate a solution-oriented approach to each other. We want to make a difference. Accordingly, you can always ask others for their opinion or exchange ideas with others.
How diverse are your teams? What is the typical team size and structure?
Als kleines Unternehmen mit 14 Mitarbeiter in Winterthur + 14 Entwickler im Ausland zählt jede Person. Wir arbeiten und denken als Team welches sich laufend verbessert und seine Ziele erreicht.
Do you offer any helpful initiatives for parents with young children?
Wir gewähren extra langen Mutterschaftsurlaub.
What is your remote work policy?
Max 2 Tage pro Woche.
If you do Agile - how is your agile process & release cycle? How much coding vs meetings/planning?
Wir kennen Release-Trains alle 2 Wochen (!!).
Grundsätzlich arbeiten wir zuerst mit UX Design / Planen und danach Coden. Wir sind manchmal aber auch pragmatisch;)
Unser Testing ist automatisiert. Codes werden jeweils gegengelesen.
Vor einem Release testen alle das Gesamtsystem durch.
Do you have some in-house tech workshops or hackathons? Is there an educational budget?
Ja wir kennen einen hackathon, einmal im Jahr.
Weiterbildung wird durch das Unternehmen bezahlt aber es beseht keinen Anspruch darauf.
Can I work on my projects or open source for a part of time?
What do I need to do to buy a 50$ educational book on company expense?
Solltest du es lesen und dich weiterbringen, bestellst du es einfach auf Amazon mit der Firmenkreditkarte.
Der gesamte Prozess kann zwischen 1 und 3 Wochen dauern. In der Regel ca. 1 Woche.
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